Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weight Loss Plateau

Tips for Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Weight Loss Plateau
Weight Loss Plateau
Weight loss occurs when we take in less calories than we burn. In other words, 'input' our less than the output of our calories calories. "

"The only way to break your weight loss plateau and lose more body fat calorie intake more and / or cut burn more calories through exercise," says Dr. Kenney.
Especially cut more calories. The crucial question is: How to cut more calories without feeling chronically hungry?

Dangers of chronic hunger

"Few people can live longer with chronic hunger," says Dr. Kenney. Oh, how long will 1000 calories of Oreos, especially if you've been starving yourself.

To get rid of temptation - and break plateaus weight loss - you have to keep your mind off food. Of course, you need calories to fully eat, but should not eat too many calories. The right kinds of foods can curb your appetite and calorie intake.

Satiety = Success

Weight Loss Plateau
Weight Loss Plateau
Get as much as you satiety., For every calorie you eat
Satiety is the reverse of hunger. It is interesting that you do not need to get a higher to a greater degree of saturation calories. Of course, if you have a child of eight ounces of nuts (about 1,400 calories) or a pound of Oreos eat (2200 calories), you feel full - and you probably would not need to eat again for a couple of hours. 

For foods that you choose the more fullness on fewer calories - and help you break your weight loss plateau - Follow these 10 tips:

Eat high water content (not high fat) Foods.

Fill water-rich, fiber-filled, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, hot cereals, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta and brown rice food. Foods with lots of water usually much stomach filling volume, but not a lot of calories.

A pound of vegetables, for example, amounted to only 65 to 195 calories. But there is a whole pound of food. One kilogram of fruit is only about 200 to 400 calories. A pound of beans, hot cereals, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta or brown rice ranges from only 400 to 750 calories.
However, a pound of dried beans, fat-free chips or white sugar packed (no water in any of these foods) to 1600-1725 calories.

So you can fill up on a large plate with a candle, rich pasta topped with marinara sauce fiber and lots of grilled for about 400 calories or the same size tray with vegetable fatty acids, free fiber content as a pastrami piled on rye, chips and cookies for rich 1,400 calories. For meals, satiety is the same, but the input of calories is radically different. Beautiful, food water rich in fibers provide another valuable bonus - they are the best foods for your health. 

Dry but healthier options like bagels, pretzels, dry cereal, fat-free chips and nuts should be limited, too, because all dry foods pack a lot of calories in very small packages. It's shockingly easy to literally swallow 1000-2000 calories button-popping long before it even started to feel sick.

Start with a salad Big satisfactory.

In restaurants, especially salads help you complete so that you are less rich in calories, eating follows. Three cups of salad vegetables are added for only 100 calories. Three cups of salad with cheese, high-fat and total bacon 600 calories or more, but offer little more saturation for all those extra calories sauces.

Soups, stews and chili can "provide a range of satiety per calorie when they are low in fat and high in fiber-rich foods," says Dr. Kenney.

In several studies at Penn State University scientists found that people who ate soups and vegetarian stews and rich in grains, eat less calories overall at the end of the day than people who do not eat soups or stews for the day continued.

Do not drink your calories.

Cut high-calorie drinks such as soft drinks, alcohol, milkshakes and even fruit and vegetable juices. "If you drink your calories wrong on satiety," says Dr. Kenney. Regular Coke adds calories, but not the fullness of your meal. "

After a glass of orange juice, you are much more likely to consume more food (and more calories) than if you ate a whole orange. So instead of drinking fruit juice, eat your fruit. Peel an orange. For the calories in one kid-size box of apple juice, enjoy an apple, an orange and a slice of watermelon. 

Variety stimulates appetite. If you are tired of the few foods that tempt you to eat are those in satiety are still lower than in rich desserts calories. "If you limit your choices at every meal, you will actually feel full with fewer calories. That's how you lose weight. "

Eat when you're hungry. Instead, for those little hungry, listen to say, "Time to eat" So go ahead and eat..

Waiting to eat until you're hungry, you're always satiety this meal if you ate the same meal if you were not hungry. More satiety means less calories overall. "Research shows that people who told them to wait until they are hungry for a snack in the afternoon when consumed fewer calories at dinner that people who ate the same puzzle afternoon snack when they are not hungry, "says Dr. Kenney ..

There is another important advantage to only eat when you are hungry. The food is tasty. Hunger makes everything taste better. "If you're really hungry, a single potato in the oven, a small piece of fish, steamed and some damn good taste" vegetable jokes Mr. Kenney.

In contrast, foods such as baked potatoes and vegetables seem to be interesting if you are constantly eating (hungry or not) low satiety foods rich in calories as fatty meats, croissants and chocolate. Low saturation-per-calorie diet causes a vicious cycle of eating the most fattening foods that stores an increase in body fat and lead to an increased risk of heart attacks, many types of cancer and many other diseases.

Next Dessert - or opt for healthy choices

If you're still hungry after dinner, enjoy fresh fruit. If fruit looks unattractive, you are not really hungry.

Skip cravings for desserts rich in calories, not because of hunger but because of bad eating habits. Many of us eat more fattening meal of the day at night - when we are not hungry.

There is no question that increasing your calorie expenditure of exercise can accelerate the loss of excess body fat. Intervals really burn more calories and help you break weight loss plateaus. "

You burn more calories, but you'll eat it, too. "
This plan will not cause weight loss. It will produce heart disease, "warns Dr. Kenney.

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