Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Coconut Oil Weight Loss

Can Coconut Oil Help You Lose Weight?

Coconut Oil Weight Loss
Coconut Oil Weight Loss
Anytime you eat the process of digesting food burns off about 10 percent of the calories you consume. For example, if you consume 500 calories in a meal, your body uses about 50 of those calories to transform food into the energy that fuels your body. The fatty acids in coconut oil (called medium-chain triacylglycerols, or MCT) are shorter and more water-soluble than those in other oils, such as olive or canola. There is one recent study, however, using an MCT oil, which suggests coconut oil may work in the same way. After four months, the MCT-oil users lost an average of 7 pounds; the olive oil group just 3 pounds. The investigators suggested that the metabolic boost produced by the MCT oil likely played a role.

Even if coconut oil does help people lose weight, few nutrition experts recommend it, since coconut oil is loaded with saturated fat: 12 grams in 1 tablespoon versus 7 grams in a tablespoon of butter.

The Miracle of Coconut Oil digestion and weight loss

Coconut Oil Weight Loss. Do you eat low-fat and fat-free foods and shun fat at every opportunity to avoid gaining weight? “The belief that eating fat makes you fat is no longer considered accurate. Some fats can actually help you lose excess weight. Not all fats, however, are alike. Dr Fife’s book, Eat Fat Look Thin, explains that some fats promote weight loss better than others. This miracle fat is coconut oil.

Coconut Oil Weight Loss
Coconut Oil Weight Loss
At one time coconut oil was criticized for its saturated fat content but we now know that it is composed of a rare and very special group of saturated fats known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). What makes MCT different from other fats is the way they are processed and metabolized by the body. MCT are broken down and digested very easily. Unlike other fats, they do not require pancreatic digestive enzymes or bile for digestion.

The vast majority of fat digestion occurs in the small intestine. Here pancreatic digestive enzymes with the aid of bile break fats down into fatty acids. These fatty acids are then absorbed into the intestinal wall where they are packaged into bundles of fat and protein called lipoproteins and sent into the bloodstream. As these lipoproteins circulate in the bloodstream they release particles of fat. This is the fact that eventually ends up being packed into our fat cells…

Coconut Oil Weight Loss. The MCT in coconut oil are processed differently. The fact that MCT are used by the body as a source of fuel, rather than being packed away as body fat, provides many health benefits. This rise in energy stimulates metabolism. Metabolism is shifted into a higher gear. As metabolism increases the rate at which we burn calories also increases. Therefore, the calories we eat are consumed at a higher rate leaving fewer to be converted into body fat.

Studies have shown that in normal weight individuals, after a single meal containing MCT, metabolism increases by 48%. In obese individuals metabolism increases by an incredible 65%! Volunteers were given one of three diets—a low-fat diet, a high-fat diet, and a high-fat diet consisting of MCT. 

The study lasted 44 days. Researchers at McGill University have calculated that if all fats in the diet were replaced with an oil that contained MCT, such as coconut oil, a person could lose up to 16 Kgs a year. When combined with a sensible diet coconut oil can be an effective aid in weight loss.

The benefits of coconut oil aren’t limited to just an increase in energy and loss of excess body fat. Because coconut oil increases metabolism it has an effect over the entire body. When metabolism is increased the body functions at a higher level of efficiency; circulation improves, the rate of repair and healing increases, the immune system is raised to a higher level of efficiency, energy levels are increased. The easiest way to incorporate healthy MCT into your diet is simply to replace other fats and oils with a high quality coconut oil such as Niulife’s certified organic and fair trade extra virgin coconut oil.

Why Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Coconut oil contains fewer calories than other oils. It is not stored as body fat like other fats but instead is easily converted by the body into energy, thus avoiding weight gain.

Coconut Oil Weight Loss
Coconut Oil Weight Loss
The extra energy makes you burn more calories aiding weight loss. Coconut oil is easily digested.
Coconut oil increases metabolism by improving thyroid function and removing stress on the pancreas, thus burning more energy which leads to weight loss.

Tropical populations whose diet contains coconut oil are usually slim not overweight. Mode of Action of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, taken half an hour prior to meals, acts as an excellent appetite suppressant. Studies show that people using coconut oil are satisfied (feel full) much sooner and eat less. This reduces calorie intake and contributes to weight loss.

Girl happy with coconut oil results

Coconut oil increases energy expenditure of your body by increasing metabolism, which makes your body burn more calories – even while resting.     Coconut oil is thermogenic in nature. It makes your body burn more calories to generate heat. This thermogenic property is one of the most beneficial properties in losing weight and many commercially available weight loss supplements work through this mechanism.

Coconut Oil is good for your thyroid function. Thyroxin is the accelerator of the body, just like the accelerator of a car.     People with low thyroid function have low metabolism. Coconut Oil improves thyroid function which aids weight loss.

The MCFAs present in coconut oil promote fat oxidation. They make your body burn fat for energy so that the stored fat gets used up and the fat content of your body gets reduced.

Research Studies Verify The Weight Loss Properties Of Coconut Oil

Dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity. (http://www.springerlink.com/content/02ngg2413wm2w630/)
  1. MCT (MCFA) increase energy expenditure, may result in faster satiety and facilitate weight control when included in the diet (http://jn.nutrition.org/content/132/3/329.abstract)
  2. MCFA hold potential as weight loss agents. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0024320597011430) 
  3. Consumption of a diet rich in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) results in greater loss of adipose tissue compared with Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT), perhaps due to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation observed with MCT intake. Thus, MCTs may be considered as agents that aid in the prevention of obesity and potentially stimulate weight loss. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12634436?dopt=Abstract) 
  4. Consumption of MCT enhances Energy Expenditure and fat oxidation in obese women, when compared to LCT consumption. Substitution of MCT for LCT prevents long-term weight gain via increased EE. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12532160) 
  5. Oxidization of dietary fat results in diminished fat storage, loss of Body Weight and reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Furthermore, MCT consumption stimulates Energy Expenditure and fat oxidation. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12975635)
          Source : http://www.gnet.org/coconut-oil-wieghtloss/

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