Monday, April 22, 2013

Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss

Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss
Kelly Osbourne Weight Loss

Kelly Osbourne, 28, has come a long way since 2009. She was bullied, suffered a stroke and was completely turned around their health. Read on to their secrets to stay healthy and trim.
Kelly Osbourne is not afraid to discuss his dramatic weight loss and now the "Fashion Police" co-host displaying her toned bod on the cover of Self.

In an interview in the May 2013 issue of the magazine, Kelly talked about his fitness secrets, his recent health scare and how she overcomes uncertainties.

Although they lost more than 70 pounds during her time on "Dancing with the Stars," the 28-year-old, she still struggles with her self-image.

"It's something I really works all the time. "

Surprise your secret to staying thin? Dance!

"You have to take small steps," she said. "If you jump in the deep end, you are likely to drown, because you can not go to love. This begins with the realization that you do not have to walk to work on a treadmill."

Kelly added: "You can go hiking, kayaking or say 'OK, I'm with my friends and not drinking, dancing and my ass, and it's the same thing as working people do not realize that you need. only on the physical plane, it is. "

Despite their healthy new attitude, Kelly is facing a health scare earlier this year when you type on the whole experience "Fashion Police". After this horrible incident, the television personality has walked away with a positive attitude.

"I never want my good health for granted," she said. "The seizure was 60 seconds, but those 60 seconds will change my life for the better forever. I worked hard to get in shape, and I will continue. "If you change your body starts to be selfish," said Kelly. Stay off the scale!

"I learned how to eat well and take care of" I ", not even weigh myself. If you like what you see in the mirror, what is the f --- ing point to reach the scale of a ? "

Kelly Osbourne in "SELF" - Her Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

"I am the safest and most content I've ever seen," says Kelly. The secret of her slim figure? Hard work.

Weight, yoga or Pilates "

But his favorite exercise is fun!

"I have a hula hoop Hoopnotica. I use it every day, and it is stronger in my back and arms, and my waistline has grown two inches! Saturday night, my friends and I wear ridiculous outfits and hula hoop and dance when everyone is in "da club." We call # HipHopAnonymous. Adam Lambert is in it. We live in the same building and random people appear. The next morning, you're like, 'Oh, my God, I'm so bad, "but they had the best night of my life!"

Even if they are sometimes in their desire, she said, she eats healthier than the day progresses.

"I eat my biggest meal in the am If I like pizza, I'll have it for breakfast, salad for lunch and oatmeal for dinner."
As Kelly is motivated

"I myself call a former obese person, and if you're an FFP, you still yourself as the person you used to be. This is something I really work all the time. I learned how to eat properly and themselves. If you like what you see in the mirror, because what's the point of climbing a f-ing scale? Wishing you were Angelina Jolie or J.Lo is not the fact that you do not change. "
Kelly relied on friends and family for support

"I am happy because my friends are really supportive. I also do not have board-offs to do with my friends of athletes who have the longest. My record is 7 1/2 minutes and I hit a bloody Olympic silver medalist! I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. And my body is not perfect either, but I love it., It will never be perfect, and I do not want it to be. L 'is so boring! "

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