Sunday, March 31, 2013

Laxatives For Weight Loss

Laxatives For Weight Loss
Laxatives For Weight Loss
Laxatives (purgatives, aperients) are foods, compounds or drugs taken to loosen the stool, most often taken to treat constipation. Certain stimulant, lubricant and saline laxatives are used to evacuate the colon or rectal and/or bowel examinations, and may be supplemented by enemas under certain circumstances. Sufficiently high doses of laxatives may cause diarrhea. Laxatives work to increase the movement of feces along the colon.

Some laxatives combine more than one active ingredient. Laxatives may be oral or in suppository form. (wiki)

Effects of laxatives for weight lose

there are many programs, diets and pills on the market, which is to promote rapid weight loss. Some argue that weight loss can occur without diet or exercise. Some people even laxatives. As a way to turn to weight loss restart, however, before this, it is important to understand the effects on the body of laxatives.

Nausea and stomach cramps

Laxatives are designed for short-term use in the treatment of constipation. Some uniform layer of stool and help others to stimulate muscular contractions of the intestine, drag his chair.

For those who do not have constipation, laxatives can cause more bowel movements than usual, which can lead to ground water.

Loss of bowel control

since laxatives help the body eliminate the chairs, they enter the intestinal muscles a break, which can be useful in case of constipation. However, excessive use of laxatives or use them for weight loss instead of constipation leading to a loss of bowel control, says the Mayo Clinic.


According to the Mayo Clinic, is another complication of laxative use it robs the body of electrolytes such as calcium, chloride, potassium, magnesium and sodium. This can cause nerve damage, muscle weakness and cramps, fainting, heart rhythm disorders, an imbalance of fluids in the body and convulsions. Over time, the body malnourished, which can lead to serious health problems? Severe cases can be fatal electrolyte imbalances.


Some people use laxatives, urination and defecation in the belief that it prevents the body from absorbing food, which in turn leads to weight loss, claiming to increase the American College of Sports Medicine. Chronic shin splints or stress fractures are a warning to the bones becomes weak, and this must be treated by a doctor.

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Should You Use Laxatives For Weight Loss?

As you go about your diet, something that could be interesting at one time or another laxative for weight loss.
If you're like most people, you do not really enjoy the idea of ​​reducing your caloric intake and avoid all foods that you really like to see the weight loss occurs.

They would much rather eat your favorite foods and then just use laxatives for weight loss.

But this result is successful? Let's take a look at category laxatives for weight loss, so you can see for yourself if it is a wise decision.

The laxative effect has on weight loss

the first thing you need to think about going, have laxative effects on your weight loss progress. This means that the laxative not eat your "free ticket" that you want. Have laxative effects nutrient uptake

More importantly, however, when talking about laxatives to lose weight, you must remember that the use of these products, the ability of the body to reduce absorb many nutrients you need for good health.

Weight loss should never be maintaining good health, but. To use laxatives to lose weight, this is essentially what you are doing

The long-term effects of Laxatives for Weight Loss

the last important thing you must consider is the long term use of laxatives will affect you. If you are under ordinary laxatives on a daily basis, you will see that you really focus on your body, and finally you lack energy and can begin to lose muscle mass.

In addition, the use of Laxatives for Weight Loss does not learn the real strategies that you need to know about healthy eating and how to know to maintain your ideal weight for life; it is not an effective method your goals for weight loss range.

So you consider the most important things about Laxatives for Weight Loss.

Possible effects of Laxatives for Weight Loss

Stomach cramps

Laxatives can cause painful stomach cramps. For this reason, it is important that a mild laxative which explicitly states that choose not cause cramps.

Nausea second

Laxatives can cause nausea in some people can cause, is an unpleasant sensation that can take up to 3 days after ingestion take a laxative


Vomiting may occur with the use of laxatives because the drug enters laxatives food in the stomach.


Diarrhea is a common side effect of the use of laxatives.

Rectal bleeding

the frequent use of laxatives can cause rectal bleeding. This is a side effect of frequent stools and / or diarrhea.


Syncope can occur with the use of laxatives. This usually occurs when a person is very low. Diarrhea and dehydration


The use of laxatives may cause dizziness.

Electrolyte imbalance and dehydration

Electrolytes are important for the functioning of the human body. The use of laxatives causes significant loss of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and sodium. Electrolyte imbalance in the long term can lead to electrolyte disorder. Some of the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance include muscle fatigue, mental changes, seizures, heart rhythm disturbances and even death.

In addition, chronic diarrhea creates a water loss, which can lead to dehydration, which is a situation of life in danger. Dehydration can cause weakness, blurred vision, fainting, kidney damage, and death.

Damage to bowel function

Regular use of laxatives as diet method can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, which may be permanent. Chronic use of laxatives can lead to a loss for the proper functioning of the device. The body gets used at doses laxative. Once the use of laxatives is stopped, the intestines can slow down and lose their ability to remove food from the body. 

Nerve endings surrounding the large intestine are altered by chronic use of laxatives, which makes them insensitive to stimulation. This creates a cycle those larger doses of laxatives to create a bowel movement. Abuse of laxatives weight control, especially among young adults, is often a sign of a serious disorder eating. Normally, this form of extreme weight loss, with extremes such as purging, excessive exercise or restriction is coupled calories.

All about Weight Loss Product

1 comment:

  1. This article needs editing. It is a mess.
