Monday, April 1, 2013

Running For Weight Loss

Running For Weight Loss
Running For Weight Loss
Running For Weight Loss. Many people start running because they want to lose weight. The race is one of the largest exercises, is an extremely effective way to burn calories and drop pounds. A 150-pound person burns about 100 calories per mile when running. If you're hoping with running to lose weight, here are some tips on how to succeed

A healthy diet is the first step

if you gain weight, lose weight, trying to keep in mind that you do if you lose a few pounds. More calories than you consume to burn to lose one pound, you must burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3500 calories. So you need to combine running with a healthy diet. Runners have special nutritional needs, but the basic principles apply to healthy eating again. Try small portions of fat and calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

A common mistake among the foods runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise and extra calories from more food and beverages. Some runners even find that gaining weight or hit a weight loss wall, despite their regular training.

Second follow a training plan.

One way to avoid "stealth calorie" consumption or mindless eating is to write down everything you eat in a journal for a few weeks. Recording a View from your diet will help you see where your diet needs to be improved.

Sticking to a training plan is an easy way to stay motivated to run. According to a schedule can also help prevent injury running not increasing your mileage too quickly. If you use once again here to check beginners training plans: 

Conduct Regular Third

if you do not want to follow a schedule, you must have consistency with your company because you do not lose the weight. Once a week if you find that your motivation suffers to run, follow these tips to find inspiration.

The inclusion of speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short periods of time) in your daily routine can also help in your weight loss efforts. Speed ​​work burns a lot of calories in a short period. They also increase your muscle mass and improve your metabolic rate, which helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

Eat fifth for performance

if you regularly use and you are an event-learning is a good nutrition especially important for your performance. Skipping meals is not possible to train with enough muscle power. 
 (by Christine Luff, Guide)

 All about Weight Loss

Intelligent strategies for weight loss

8 Tips for weight loss for runners

The race is perhaps one of the most effective ways to lose weight, but that does not mean that it is a miracle cure. In fact, you can lose a few pounds too early for muscle gain fat as you, but add, which is denser and heavier than fat to lose. But if you are consistent with your race and stick to a healthy diet, you will literally take a few extra pounds.
Some of the most effective strategies for runners who want to lose weight:

1.  Do not skip meals

you will not lose weight faster if you skip meals. You will not burn many calories during your races as you would if you were properly fed.

2.  Run several times a week

People who burn successfully lose weight and keep it around 2800 calories per week through exercise planned, according to statistics from the National Weight Control Registry. With an average of 100 calories per mile, which is about 28 miles, and then make that your goal, if you use your only form of exercise? You do not have your own pace or intensity of your concerns race - only miles to burn calories.

3. Be patient

a healthy weight loss is 1/2 to 1 pound per week, so do not expect to lose more. Set a realistic goal for weight loss, such as five pounds in two months.

4. Force train

Not only will you burn calories while you are strength training, but your increased muscle mass to improve your performance, so you'll be able to run faster and longer and burn more calories during the race. Strength training also helps prevent injuries running so you can get your commitment now remain standing without injury.

5. Spread your calories

it is better to eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day, as a huge breakfast, lunch and dinner. You'll reduce your temptation to binge and you also gain greater flexibility in planning your shopping because you do not expect to digest the meal.

6. Fill your plate non-starchy vegetables.

The goal is to have some vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, spinach and other vegetables, for example - at every meal. 

7. Follow your food

 8.  See how you eat

Try to eat slowly and stop eating when you feel comfortable, not stuffed. 

Here are 5 tips for running to lose weight.

1.    Make sure you start your run fully fueled and hydrated. A great pre-race food is boiled or muesli, but everyone is different and people run at different times of the day and night - if the experiment with what works for you.
You should drink enough water so that your urine is clear before heading toward the door.
 Keep caffeinated drinks before a race such as coffee, tea and colas.
Drink water, fruit juice or herbal / fruit.
2.    If you run for more than an hour for some carbohydrates with you. It can chew a banana a fruit or a carbohydrate drink sports to be.
3.   If you are out of the race to eat something within 15 minutes. Foods used within 15 minutes of jogging increased sensitivity enzyme in your body to absorb carbohydrates and refuel your muscles ready for the next time.
4.  Within 2 hours after the end of your normal vision eat a meal with a variety of complex carbohydrates and proteins. Thus, a turkey sandwich, curried chicken or salmon and vegetables would do.
5.    Stay. Chocolate, chips, etc. It is really easy to reward yourself with these foods, but you can (and often will) eat more calories than you burn during the execution itself

finally getting people for different reasons, but should work not only for weight loss. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, and thus increases the amount of calories burned during the day and night. ( by Nutritionist Julia Revitt. )

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